Types of serious Acne-symptoms and treatment

Most of us are suffering from acne from time to time and are mainly from a type of acne acne vulgaris. This can be mild to moderate and treated by over the counter acne products. There are more severe forms of acne, there is not so easy to deal with, and who have more severe symptoms.

Nodulecystic acne
More severe form of acne vulgaris is called Nodulecystic acne is a severe medical condition which mainly affects men, although women can get it.

This condition can lead to permanent scare and the symptoms are cysts, pustules and nodes that can cause infection. Nodes are fairly big lumps on the skin, while cysts and pustules are similar, but filled with pus. Treatment for this type of serious acne iscortisone injections, antibiotics and sometimes a prescription of Isotretonoin.

Acne Conglobota
Another type of more unusually severe acne condition is attached to the body the testosterone and androgen levels again mainly affects men between 18 and 30 are called Acne Conglobota. The condition causes pus-filled lesions that constitute from pimples around numerous blackheads. The condition can again led to permanent scaring.

It is believed that Acne Conglobota could be caused through abuse of anabolic steroids.

Isotretinoin is typically prescribed for this acne. If the major nodes are problematic, can these be removed through surgery.

Acne Fulminians
Similar to Acne is Acne Conglobota Fulminians, whereby the symptoms can appear for no apparent reason, leaving permanent scaring. Different about Acne Fulminians is the associated symptoms, aching joints and feverish pain.

Unfortunately, antibiotics do not help with this condition, and you need to consult a doctor may prescribe a treatment of Isotretonoin.

Gram Negative Folliculitis
This is an unpleasant and somewhat rare skin condition caused by excessive antibiotic use for common types of acne. The condition consists again typically painful pus-filled lesions.

Gram Negative Folliculitis may be treated by Isotretinoin or by oral steroids.

Pyoderma Faciale (Rosacea Fulminans)
Rosacea Fulminans mainly affects women between 20 and 40 years and consisting of pustules and painful nodes, which can leave permanent formation. It can occur suddenly, without any warning but fortunately do not usually take a very long time if it appears. The condition is relatively rare, but if you are concerned about can process by visiting a doctor can prescribe Isotretinoin or a steroid treatment.

Treating serious waste management
If you suspect you have serious acne you may have to visit your doctor for advice. Many mild to moderate types of acne can be treated with an over the counter acne treatment so you may wish to try this first. A good quality acne product should improve your condition.

If you're looking for the best acne treatment available over the counter counts or just want to know more or need acne help, you can visit our Web site.