Top prescription Acne treatments

If you think you suffer from severe acne and wants a strong prescription acne treatment to cure your acne, you will need to visit a doctor first. As the name suggests, these types of acne treatments be prescribed by a professional doctor and not available over the counter.

While the temptation to try these types of therapies, you should probably consider that many have undesirable side effects. Your doctor will probably prescribe such forms of handling in the most serious cases, but can suggest other products that are more readily available.

What is the prescription acne treatments

There are two main prescription acne products administered to patients suffering from severe acne, Isotretinion and Retinoids.

Isotretinion is probably the most powerful acne drug on the market, so strongly that you must watch incredible if prescribed. Actually most doctors are not even able to offer this type of drug and would only be skin specialists do. Although has been successful in treating severe cases of acne that is a very strong side effects, such as vomiting, hallucinations, itching and skin issues.

Retinoids are a bit less strong and offered under a number of branded versions. You want to use this drug in cream or gel form directly to the affected area. This prescription drug can be offered by doctors but still comes with a number of serious adverse reactions, such as vomiting, hallucinations, itching and skin issues.

One of the top prescription acne treatment drugs, benzoyl peroxide and this ingredient is available in many of the products, which also counts in a less powerful form. This is the most popular type of medication prescribed by a doctor, seeking to provide assistance to those suffering from severe acne. There are side effects of benzoyl peroxide, and at the same time, less extreme as with Isotretinion and Retinoids, still include redness of the skin, itching and stinging sensation. Side effects go away during the entire treatment duration. Good success is found combing benzoyl peroxide with a totally natural ingredient called Tea Tree oil, and is available in many over the counter acne treatments.

You should try prescription acne treatments?

Prescription drugs don't need give the cure and you bear in mind, although the prescription acne treatments is potent and contains powerful ingredients they are not guaranteed to cure your acne, but all come with unwanted and sometimes serious side effects. If you suffer from mild to moderate acne symptoms then you are much better go for a good quality over the counter acne treatment, clinically proven to work.

Read more about prescription acne treatments and why many choose to suffer from acne skin acne care treatments available over the counter.